May 2023
Dear Parents of incoming 7th graders and 12th graders,
I want to remind you of Ohio state law in regards to the mandated immunization requirements affecting all 7th and 12th grade students. Often times we want to put this off until summer time, but time seems to slip away and vaccinations are forgotten. Once the school year starts, it may be hard to get your son/daughter in to get the required vaccinations. We encourage you to start this process now, to avoid delays in the fall and exclusion from school.
Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, all 7th grade students were required by law to have the Tdap and a MCV4 Meningococcal vaccines and 12th grade students were required to have a 2nd dose of the MCV4 Meningococcal (MCV4-serogroup
A, C, W, and Y) vaccine prior to school starting. There are no requirements for meningococcal B vaccine-please make sure your child is given the appropriate vaccine.
****If the 1st dose of MCV4 was administered on or after the
16th birthday, a 2nd dose is not required. If the student is in 12th grade and is 15 years or age or younger, only 1 dose is required.
This is a vaccine that is usually required for college admission. Most students at this point may only need one vaccine if they are over 16 years old.
As with other school immunization requirements, students who do not provide documentation of this immunization are subject to exclusion from school and school activities. If
your child is to be exempt from the vaccine, you will need to provide a written
statement if it is for philosophical or religious reasons. You will need a statement from your physician
if it is for medical reasons.
Please see information from the state law on the back side of this
Parents are encouraged to ensure their child obtain this immunization and provide the school with the documentation prior to the first day of the 2023-2024 school year. Please bring this information in before school starts so that your child will not have to face exclusion from school.
Many parents found it difficult to get their child scheduled
for the vaccines this past year, so it is suggested that you take care of this
soon. Your child can be excluded after
the 15th day of school if the vaccine has not been received.
You may be offered other vaccines that are not required for school. That is a decision you will need to make with the assistance of your physician.
If your child does not have a doctor, or if you are unable to obtain an appointment, the Licking County Health Department offers ongoing vaccination clinics with a variety of hours and locations. They currently have immunization clinics twice a week. Please visit their website, or call them at 740-349-6535 for more information regarding these days and times available.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or
concerns at 740-238-7115.
Michelle Johnson BSN RN LSN
Heath City Schools District Nurse