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Absence Policy
Absence Policy
Research has shown that missing too much school has long-term negative effects on students, such as lower achievement and graduation rates. In December 2016, the Ohio General Assembly passed House Bill 410 to encourage and support a preventative approach to excessive absences and truancy. 

The key elements of our Absence Policy based on the passage of this bill include:
  • Absence is tracked in hours rather than days, this means that being tardy or early dismissal contributes to “hours absent”.
  • The hours accumulate throughout the entire year, not only for a grade period or semester.
  • When a student has excessive absences, parents will be notified within seven days and the student will follow an absence intervention plan.

Definition of truancy and excessive absences:

  • Definition of “habitual truant" is:
    a) Absent 30 or more consecutive hours without a legitimate excuse
    b) Absent 42 or more hours in one school month without a legitimate excuse
    c) Absent 72 or more hours in a school year without a legitimate excuse
  • Includes “excessive absences”:
    a) Absent 38 or more hours in one school month with or without a legitimate excuse
    b) Absent 65 or more hours in one school year with or without a legitimate excuse

Full details can be found on the Ohio Department of Education Website.

Heath City School District
107 Lancaster Drive, Heath, OH 43056
Phone: 740-238-7110 | Fax: 740-238-7053
Heath High School
300 Licking View Drive, Heath, OH  43056
Phone:  740-238-7150 | Fax:  740-238-7079
Heath Middle School
310 Licking View Dr, Heath, OH 43056
Phone: 740-238-7140 | Fax: 740-238-7072
District Nurse and Building Clinics
Phone: 740-238-7115 | Fax: 740-238-7116
Stevenson Elementary
152 Cynthia Street, Heath, OH 43056
Phone:  740-238-7130 | Fax: 740-238-7066
Garfield Elementary School
680 South 30th Street, Heath, OH  43056
Phone:  740-238-7120 | Fax: 740-238-7060
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107 Lancaster Drive, Heath, OH 43056
P: 740-238-7110

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