Students take college courses offered by a university to earn both high school and college credit concurrently. College credit is assigned based on passing the course, not a score on the final test. The cost of these courses is free to students who are accepted by the college. The student must be “college-ready” as determined by the college they are attending.
A student receives one (1) high school credit for a 3 (or more) semester hour college course. The GPA will be weighted in courses in the same subject areas for which we offer Honors and AP courses.
We offer Composition I and II as well as Psychology and Sociology at Heath High School. These courses are taught by COTC faculty. We will build these courses into our master schedule and will schedule students who have met the criteria for acceptance into COTC into those classes.
CCP Away from HHS
Students may apply to a participating college or university of their choice. The college will admit a student based on college-readiness in one or more subject areas as determined by individual colleges. Once the student is admitted he/she needs to work with both the college counselor and Heath school counselor to determine an appropriate class schedule for the student at each location.