Club Meetings
Meetings are held on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 pm in the library at Heath High School.
We encourage everyone to attend these meetings. If you would like to become a part of the Heath Athletic Boosters or be part of a committee, please contact: Kim Wilhelm at 740.403.7200
Club Officers
Vice President/High School: Chicky Dyer
Vice President/Middle School: Lynn Huber
Secretary: Jessica Bradley
Treasurer: Kim Wilhelm
300 Club Chairman: Jon Bradley
300 Club Officers: Jay Morrow and Jennifer Pettit
Sports Programs Chairman:
300 Club Fundraiser
The Heath Athletic Boosters are once again selling “300 Club” tickets for $25 each. With the purchase of a ticket, you are eligible for a chance at winning $25 or $50 each month starting in November and running through March. In April, you will be invited to a dinner where there will be multiple door prizes along with the Grand Prize of $500.
300 Club Dinner Info for 2017….to be announced